Why It’s Important to Have a Family Doctor

A consistent relationship with a family doctor & health team can ensure you are healthier as you age.

Research shows you will receive better care, make fewer visits to emergency rooms and live longer. In fact, there’s a long – and growing – list of reasons why you need a family doctor.

Your family doctor is your main point of contact – or ‘home base’ – in the health system. Also known as your health or medical home, your doctor’s clinic can meet your everyday health needs and connect you to other health and social services. Because they know your history, they can help reduce the number of times you have to tell your story or undergo duplicate tests.

Benefits of having a family doctor:

  • More support to achieve your personal health goals
  • Preventative care and disease management
  • Your doctor knows your health history and needs
  • Access to a team of health professionals, free programs and services
  • Your knowledge and preferences are valued; you can play a greater role in decision-making

“Albertans who have a continuous relationship with a family doctor and team don’t just improve their health. They can also help to save costs. ”

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