Anxiety to Calm for Youth

Group Description

Anxiety to Calm for Youth is a free, in-person, 6-week workshop specially designed for ages 12-17. Participants will learn exercises to help manage anxiety, understand thoughts, behaviours, and emotions more deeply, and learn healthy lifestyle choices that will benefit them for years to come.

Program Format

6-week session – 1.5 hour sessions – offered In Person
Youth 12 to 17 years of age


You can self-refer by calling 780-723-2131(Edson) or 780-779-0079 (Whitecourt) or obtain a referral from your MRPCN family doctor.

Please NOTE: Participation in this group requires parent/guardian consent. Once a registration form is received, our team will contact the parent/guardian via phone to obtain consent for participation. The participating youth must be present for this conversation.

By selecting this option you will be added to a waitlist and contacted regarding future sessions in the selected locations.